Hi! this is my take on Watcher CTF from TryHackme, the room is simple but very entertaining. At first it seemed that it was going to be too easy but I liked that there were several privilege escala...
Ultratech | Tryhackme writeup
This is my writeup for Ultratech room from Tryhackme, it’ a Medium difficulty room and it covers the following : User enumeration Fuzzing Nodejs API command injection Credential cracking ...
Boiler | Tryhackme writeup
I’ve recently completed BoilerCTF room from tryhackme, i hope it will be useful to someone, it was a nice room including: Enumeration Fuzzing A lot of rabbit holes :) sar2html exploitation...
Anonymous tryhackme writeup
Today I’m going to be resolving the Anonymous room from tryhackme that is rated as Medium, but i see it more like an Easy and fast one. Take a sit and enjoy it! Scanning As i always do, I start wi...
Dogcat tryhackme writeup
kek Writeup of me, Bltz, resolving tryhackme’s easy room ‘All in One’, this is my first writeup of many. I’m a begginer so i might make some mistakes! This CTF room include the next topics: L...
All in one tryhackme writeup
Writeup of me, Bltz, resolving tryhackme’s easy room ‘All in One’, this is my first writeup of many. I’m a begginer so i might make some mistakes! This CTF room include the next topics: Basic...
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