Writeup of me, Bltz, resolving tryhackme’s easy room ‘All in One’, this is my first writeup of many. I’m a begginer so i might make some mistakes!
This CTF room include the next topics:
- Basic decrypt
- Wordpress user enumeration and file upload
- Fuzzing
- Double privilege escalation
- Abusing sudo privileges
I start the room by making the usual scanning. I always ping the ip to check that is running and the TTL so i can determine if it’s windows or linux and then i use nmap with syn scan script. First scan with Nmap
Now i continue with nmap -sCV on the previous open ports i got to check the services running on that ports and the version of them.
Nmap service and version scan
I can see that anonymous ftp login is allowed, so i try to login and see if there’s something usefull but its empty. Ftp anonymous login empty folder
Then i take a look at the website and the default apache login is shown, i take a look at the source code but there’s nothing out of the ordinary. Fuzzing with gobuster makes the trick and 2 routes were found. Fuzzing with gobuster
When browsing for hackathons route i encountered this: hackathons route
The hackathons route seems like this, i check the source code too and i dont see anything weird, so i continue with the wordpress route.
wordpress page
Here i can see that there’s a post with an username and i find the usual wordpress login page too in which i try to login as this user with the password Vinegar, but the password is invalid.
After this i realize that there’s an uncommon header when i analyze a request to the wordpress page with burpsuite. Burpsuite request of wordpress page
There’s a link in it and it happens that the wordpress wp-json resource is public, i check there if there is any user i dont know yet but no, there’s only one user and is the one i already have.: I stucked a bit here, trying to fuzzing hackathons route and trying to find something in wordpress route, but i got nothing. Then I go back to the Hackathons path and inspect the code again, seeing that there were two comments I didn’t see. Hidden comments in hackathon’s source code
Gaining Access
The text of the first comment seems encrypted, while the other one doesn’t, so i try to use cyberchef’s magic module and dcrypt.fr cipher identifier but none worked. Then I think that maybe the second comment is a key for the cipher, so I google ‘cipher with key’ and the first result is Vigenere Cipher, now it all makes sense and I see that the hackathons route was hiding a clue.
A quick decryption with cyberchef works and i got a password that works with the username i had.
Login successfull into the wordpress panel
Then i use the theme editor to inject some php code into a .php file from the wordpress theme.
Injecting php via Theme Editor
With this i can reverse shell or just upload a .php file to bypass the usual wordpress file upload. I decide to send a reverse shell to my terminal through netcat and turn it into a tty.
Access gained
Privilege escalation
Escalation to low privilege user
First i check the sudoers and suid files and there was nothing interesting, then i checked elyanas home directory and there was this hint:
Elyana's user password is hidden in the system. Find it ;)
Seeing that, i went to /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php but the password was the same we got earlier and there was nothing in the database neither. I continue by trying to find files owned by elyana and i find this:
Files found with elyana as owner Now we are logged as elyana 🙂
We manage to get logged as elyana!
Escalation to root
I check again sudoers and i see that we can execute socat as sudo without password, and gtfobins has this oneliner that let me privesc to root.
sudo socat stdin exec:/bin/sh
Shell as root We privesc to root but the flags from user.txt and root.txt seems to be encrypted.
Both flags were encrypted
A quick search in cyberchef’s magic module tells me that it’s base64, so i decrypt it and we are done.
Decrypted flags
Thank you for reading me, have a good day and see you soon in future writeups! 😎