I’ve recently completed BoilerCTF room from tryhackme, i hope it will be useful to someone, it was a nice room including:
- Enumeration
- Fuzzing
- A lot of rabbit holes :)
- sar2html exploitation
- SUID privilege escalation.
Here we go:
Like in any other CTF, i start by doing a scan of any open port with nmap followed by another scan with -sCV options for service name and version.
First scan with Nmap
Versions scan
This time there’s 4 open ports of which ftp is the most interesting to me because boilymous ftp login is enabled. Knowking this i just login as boilymous with no password and there’s a .txt file inside, but it seems to be encrypted.
Txt file contents It seems like a letter substitution to me so the first thing i test is ROT13. I use CyberChef to decrypt it and it’s in fact ROT13, but there’s nothing useful:
Just wanted to see if you find it. Lol. Remember: Enumeration is the key!
So now i have another 3 ports to work on, and i decide to follow the order given by the room flags. To answer the third, i check the web inside the port 10000 http service. There’s a webmin page there, and i know that the version is 1.930 thanks to the previous version scan i did. Knowing this i check searchsploit for vulnerabilities but the three showing up are for previous versions. With this i answer third flag with nay.
Now i try to fuzz over port 80 route for answering question 5 and i quickly find /joomla that matches with question 5. When searching for the route the default joomla page is showing. Fuzzing again showed some more routes, i can see the admin login panel /administrator and some more joomla routes. Fuzzing port 80
When i check the ones with “_” i can see some encrypted messages but all of them are rabbit holes except “_test” that is a sar2html tool.
Gaining access
I’ve worked with sar2html before so i know that there’s an easy vulnerability around the plot variable. Just by assigning ;command to plot we can see the output of the command in the select host dropdown. sar2html exploit
As the tryhackme page hints that i don’t need to reverse shell, i do ls and there’s a log.txt file that catches my attention. And inside this file i find a log of connections with an user and password.
User and password inside log.txt
Now i can connect with ssh to port 55007 with that credentials.
Access gained as low privilege user
Privilege escalation
When going to /home i can see that there’s another user called stoner. Then there’s a file called backup.sh in my user’s home directory, and when i check the code to see what the script does i see a comment with a string very similar to the password i got before. Comment inside backup.sh
So i try to change to stoner with that password and it works!
Access gained as stoner
I find a file with a flag in stoner’s home.
Flag found
Stoner doesn’t have sudo privileges so i search for SUID files, and this is what i get:
SUID files
I know that find as SUID is a privesc vector from previous experience, so i can just execute this and privesc to root:
./find . -exec /bin/bash -p \; -quit
Privilege escalated to root
Last flag is inside /root folder and now the room is done!
It was an interesting room involving enumeration, fuzzing and a cool RCE with sar2html. Have a good time with it!